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Cally  Macumber

Cally Macumber

February 20, 2023

Conquer Race Week Jitters

You have done all the hard work, sacrificed precious time and energy along the way and now race week is here.  Your nerves run wild exacerbated by the taper and fewer miles.  Don’t worry, here’s how to push through and keep your eyes are on the prize!

As race week inches nearer, let's take a deep breath and keep these considerations top of mind:

1) Remind yourself that the hardest work is done and you've already won! You've been consistent, remained disciplined with the "small things" and completed the workouts and miles, despite hectic schedules and every day life challenges. Congratulations - you took the journey and won! Throughout the week prior to your goal race, go through your training log and remember the hard workouts, long runs, the grit and tenacity you've shown again and again! You have built the strength inside of you that will help you push you through race weekend to the finish!

2) Relax - you deserve it! It's okay to back off your total volume. You’ve begun your tapering for this event, and you can trust our recommendations to back off your total weekly mileage while keeping some intensity on any strides/tune up workouts you have on the schedule.

3) Study up! As you approach race weekend, it can be helpful to study up on the course. If you've already done this - awesome! If you haven't - no worries! For an endurance race, you're bound to run into some changes in the course (hills, twists and turns, surface changes with sidewalks, roads, dirt, etc.). Breaking down your race into chunks and mentally preparing yourself to know when you can dig a little more on a hill or relax on some downhills can not only help with your race strategy and energy conservation, but also break up the race into chunks so it's not so daunting.

For those almost there, we're so excited for you! You're going to prove to yourself just how limitless you are.

See you at the finish line!

NYRR athlete, Frank Carter, joins us to talk about his recent accomplishments and learnings.

Sport Running Major milestone: I was able to run a marathon 33 minutes faster than my personal best. And it’s all because of the coaching app.Frank_Carter__1
What is the secret to your success? I am terrible at planning and sticking to a strict run schedule. This year I trusted the coach and made sure to follow what he said and just that alone made all the difference.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? My biggest obstacle was scheduling runs and not knowing what distances my long runs should be. The coach app helped me know what I would need to run and that I should take rest days. I didn’t want to over do it, so I made sure to never go over the mileage too much.

What is the most rewarding part of training? Honestly, the rewarding part was getting all new personal records at almost every run. The most rewarding part was when I was running my marathon and I realized I was much better prepared this time. And, when I realized I was so close to getting a sub 4 hour marathon (I was over by 33 seconds and I know exactly where those seconds were). Nothing felt better than crossing the finish line knowing I trained for this and it was all worth it.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? Trust the coaches. They absolutely know what they are doing and it shows. I used the Runcoach app twice now. The first time I didn’t fully listen to it. The second time I did and it helped more than I could have hoped for.

Anything else you would like to share? I registered for the app at the middle of training for a marathon. I realized that I was a month behind in my training and I needed guidance. I registered and explained to coach Tom all the different runs I had, and my concern that I was behind in my long run distances. Coach Tom immediately adjusted my runs. It was intimidating that I had to start my long runs at 12 miles that weekend, but I knew I could do it. With each long run and each daily run, I felt more and more confident in my running abilities. I will definitely be using the coach app again next year!

runcoachLet’s break some bad habits and work to create new positive routines. We often start the New Year off with the best intentions, but sometimes our priorities shift and our resolutions fade away. If this sounds like you, our hope is to help make this year different. Here are 7 quick tricks to hold yourself accountable:

1. Find a workout buddy – Knowing there are people waiting for you will act as a reminder to show up, and it will make the run more enjoyable.

2. Hire a Runcoach – A coach will provide the structure necessary to accomplish your goals (Coaches like myself = Cally, Rosie, Alex & Tom are here to support you).

3. Put a race on the calendar – Selecting a race gives you something to look forward to and something to work towards!

4. Look at your fitness journey as a lifestyle change – Be flexible, there’s no reason this journey shouldn’t be fun!

5. Less can be more – For those days you’re struggling, don’t force your workouts and risk burnout. Instead stretch or foam roll. We all need some down time.

6. Journal your progress – Have a written record of all of the hard work you put in! The Runcoach ‘notes’ section attached to each workout is an excellent way to journal your journey.

7. Treat a run like a priority - like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. Build your run into your calendar, just as you would a work meeting.
Vicente Ferre placed 2nd in his Age Group at the Bryce Canyon 60k, and completed the 100k distance in 12h 40m. jan_nl

What is his secret to success? Enjoy every day of training and believe in yourself. Always be positive in the face of any adversity.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? There are times when we are training alone, with no company to motivate you. I get through it by going out to run and knowing that even though I'm alone in this country, I have my mom up there who is always with me. So... it's time to train.

What is the most rewarding part of training? When you have that feeling of having done your homework. To feel free while running, where you know that, at least for me, it is my therapy and at the end to smile and give thanks for a good workout. Because every run is great. We are so lucky.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? I do not consider myself a person to give advice, the only thing I do share are my experiences and always under my opinion. And my opinion about these last months training with you guys, has been very positive.

Anything else you would like to share? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you to the whole team, for helping me, advising me, and making my training and time worthwhile. I will always be grateful to you.
Patricia recently ran her 6th NYC Marathon! She speaks to her journey to this point, both successes and obstacles. Success_Story

Major milestone: This will be my 12th marathon! I ran my first marathon in Los Angeles in 1996 and ran San Diego in 1998 (the 1st Rock n Roll marathon) and a few others until I ran a Rock n Roll marathon in 2004 in Arizona on limited training and “suffered” the last 13 miles! I didn’t run a marathon again until the 2017 NYC marathon which I got into via lottery and only then started training. This Sunday will be my 6th NYC marathon.

What is the secret to your success? I have always been a disciplined person and have enjoyed running for over 30 years! Every year, I have run at least a 1/2 marathon and in the early years I raced 5ks and 10ks almost every weekend!

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? I feel I do not recover as quickly now and have had little issues as my training progressed. Last year my back hurt quite a bit after about 13 miles…this year, I struggled w/right bunion pain and pain in my left foot after attempting 19 miles two weeks in a row! 

What is the most rewarding part of training? I love the feeling when I’ve completed my session successfully even if oftentimes slower than was designated in the plan!

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? I have reached out to my coach and she always responds quickly w/advice on how to proceed when I feel pain. For example, I have been aqua jogging the last few weeks at her suggestion and my left foot feels much better!

Anything else you would like to share? I love running the NYC marathon! The crowds are amazing and it’s just a positive, wonderful experience to finish!!!!!

What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience? Take it a day at a time and reach out to your coach for advice and positive motivation.
Darrel has had an inspiring journey since heart surgery in 2021. He shares the importance of consistency and quality coaching guidance. Screenshot_2022-11-06_4.48.40_PM

Major milestone: Beginning after heart surgery in November 2021, my first milestone was 60 yards. I'm now up to eight miles. Actually, each time that I went farther was a milestone!

What is the secret to your success? Consistency. I know that mornings are best for me. Vigorous activity is essential to keeping my heart healthy.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? Sometimes it’s the time requirement to finish beneficial workouts. Sometimes it’s impatience and the need to go at a pace that is neither too slow nor too fast. I remind myself that results depend on spending time on quality workouts to achieve worthwhile goals. What is the most rewarding part of training? Finishing the exercise. Feeling the burn or the fatigue when it’s time to relax.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?
Talk with the coaches. Trust the program. As long as you’re working on fitness goals, give yourself grace on missed days or more difficult sessions.

Anything else you would like to share? Always before I trained for marathons or ultras (10 total) on my own. Training methods have changed these past 20 years. I needed sound guidance to rebuild from ground zero. My coach, Hiruni, encouraged me. She always replied to my messages. The Runcoach program is an effective training system. 

What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience? Runcoach offers so much to inform and encourage runners to meet their goals. The personal contact is real. The resources are extensive. You are doing well. Please don’t stop.

Written by Neely Spence Gracey
Updated by Cally Macumber

Fitness is built by introducing stress (training) to your body.

Your body initially freaks out (why running feels so difficult at the beginning of training), but it learns to adapt. The adaptation is a result of the stress+recovery=fitness equation. Without a proper recovery, your body cannot gain the intended fitness, thus, injury, illness, and burnout may occur. Today, we share some tips on recovery that will help you build your desired fitness and see results!

Recovery starts within your runs. In the summer, you will need to plan water/fluid stops to keep your hydration game strong. Drink sops while running will help keep your body happy and far away from dehydration issues. This practice will allow you to feel stronger mid run, and recover more quickly post

Post run recovery begins with fluids too. A simple 10 minute recovery program looks like this:

  • Sip fluids with carbohydrate and electrolyte (a recovery drink with protein is great too)

  • Start a short active stretch routine:

  1. Hamstrings

  2. Hips/Glutes

  3. Calf/Achilles

  4. Leg swings

Understand the pros of protein synthesis. Your body can only absorb and utilize 15-20 grams of protein at a time. Instead of over indulging on protein in one sitting, try spacing it out in 4-6 doses per day with your final protein snack just before bedtime. One cup of greek yogurt, 3 ounces of meat, fairlife milk, protein supplement, some cereals, or a smoothie are all good options. If you have protein in your system right before bed, your body can actively use it during the peak recovery that occurs with sleep!

There is huge benefit to a routine when it comes to sleeping. Develop a routine that works for your schedule that allots minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night. If you have a set time you start getting ready for bed, you will have better time management throughout the day, resulting in less procrastination and other stress inducing habits. Sleep is when your recovery hormones are at their highest and are working hard to make you stronger, fitter, and closer to your goals.

Happy training, and more importantly, happy recovery.

Written by Neely Gracey
Updated by Cally Macumber

Did you know that water does more than just keep you hydrated? Obviously, that is an important role, but water is essential in your body for three other important tasks.


   1-Water helps transport nutrients to the working muscles during training

   2-Water eliminates waste products (like lactic acid) during high intensity training

   3-Water works to keep your core temperature cooler by dissipating heat through sweating

Hydration does not have to be from water alone. Here are some other ideas of delicious, refreshing, and hydrating summer drinks.

The ramifications of not having enough fluid in your system can start with just 2% fluid loss. Headache, lack of concentration, dizziness, fatigue, inability to recover, and overall decreased ability to perform. Nothing that helps your training or allows you to work hard towards your goals. To avoid any of these happening to you this summer, here are a few things to include in your daily routine.

   1-Drink 8-12 ounces of water when you first wake up to kick start hydration

   2-Drink more than just water. Adding in electrolyte beverages will help your cells saturate with fluid and not dilute your body’s natural salt chemistry

   3-Drink consistently throughout the day. Keep a water bottle with you at all times

Hold up your water bottle in a toast to quality summer training and good hydration!

Written by Neely Gracey
Updated by Cally Macumber

Looking for a healthy and delicious post run snack? Try this protein and antioxidant filled smoothie that will be sure to leave you feeling satified.smoothie2

Summer Berry Smoothie
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 4 frozen strawberries
Blend all ingredients, enjoy! 

-Makes 1 serving
Includes important recovery ingredients: Protein, Carbs, Antioxidants, Potassium, Calcium, Fiber

Written by Neely Gracey
Updated by Cally Macumber

The main way to meet your goals is to follow your training plan, but it never hurts to put a little thought into what could help support your active lifestyle! Recovery, Strength Training, Consistency, Hydration, Mid Run/Race Fueling, and Pre-Run /Post-Run Nutrition are all important details that will help you feel stronger and healthier. There will be a series of blog posts on each of these topics, stay tuned!

Pre-Run and Post-Run Nutritionsmoothie

When it comes to good eating habits, the number one thing to remember is moderation. Unless you have an allergy, or know certain foods don’t sit well in your stomach, then nothing is off limits. It’s all about the timing, and learning a good routine that works well for you. There are two key times when nutrition is critical during training; pre-run, and post-run. Let’s explore these in more detail.

Pre-run fueling is critical to dial in, especially if you have a sensitive stomach. If you’re a morning runner, you may not have much time to grab a snack before heading out to get in your training. Try something light, easy to digest, and carb focused for quick fuel. A banana, piece of toast, granola bar, sports chews, electrolyte mix, etc. All followed by water to wash it down and kick start your hydration for the day. Getting in some calories and fluids before a morning run is really important because you haven’t eaten for many hours, and you may have become dehydrated throughout the night. Fueling up beforehand will help ensure the success of your training efforts.

If you’re an afternoon/evening runner, than you have a day of meals to plan before your run. The morning isn’t too specific, but the meal/snack 3 hours prior to your run is very important. You will want to stick to something bland and not too heavy. A giant burrito may not leave you feeling great on your upcoming workout. Instead, try a sandwich, soup and side salad, sushi, etc. Good choices are things that are low in fats, easy to digest, and include no ingredients that irritate your stomach. Having a meal 3 hours before a run allows the body time to process and use the food as fuel. This will also help prevent cramps from eating too close to exercise.

Post-run fueling is all about starting the recovery process. In a run, your muscles are put under stress, and afterwards, they need protein to rebuild. Having carbs with your protein helps expedite this process, and according to the Olympic Training Performance Center, can also help boost your immune system. If you struggle to eat solids after running, you’re not alone! Try yogurt, smoothies, popsicles, or protein enriched milk. Whatever you consume post run, focus on carbs, proteins, antioxidants, essential fats, and fluids. The suggestion is to get in 100-200 calories within an hour of completing your run. You then have enough fuel to kick start recovery, protein synthesis, and rehydration before you get in your next full meal.  Finding a routine that works for you will allow your body to function at it’s best and be ready to nail those workouts as you chase your goals.

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